Instructions: Use any mouse button (or the arrow keys) and the mouse wheel (or the Z and X keys) to translate and rotate the mobile platform, respectively. You may also enter directly the pose of the mobile platform (x, y, φ) in the "Platform Pose" field group. Alternatively, you may drive the robot in the active-joint space.
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Exercise 1: For the default design, go to x = -60, y = -40, φ = -40°, and click on the Calculate button to visualize six real solutions to the direct kinematic problem. Is it possible to have only one real solution?
Exercise 2: Visualize the Type 2 singularity loci and place the tooltip of the mobile platform on a singularity point. Click on the Calculate button and visualize solutions 1 and 2. What do you observe?
Exercise 3: The program relies on the Newton-Raphson iterative algorithm to displace the robot in active-joint variables mode.
Visualize the Type 2 singularity loci and try to cross them in active-joint variables mode. Why isn't it possible?
Created by Sultana Ahamed during her internship at École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Montreal, Canada. Additional support provided by Bilal Zeidan from ÉTS. This work was supported financially by ÉTS.