New Record
Title: |
in Title Case, e.g. Analysis and Design of Parallel Manipulators |
Author(s): |
family name, first name initials, e.g. McCormick, K. W., and Cartman, E. T. |
Source: |
e.g. Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 31, No. 4, 1999 |
Affiliation: |
e.g. Mechatronics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA |
Keywords: |
several self-descriptive keywords, e.g. orientation workspace, discretization method |
URL(s): |
URL(s) of web page(s) for more info, e.g. http://wwwrobot.gmc.ulaval.ca |
E-mail(s): |
e-mail(s) of author(s), e.g. ilian.bonev@hotmail.com |
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How many degrees of freedom does the Stewart platform have? |
Copyright © 20002007 by Ilian Bonev |
Last Update: February 27, 2007 |