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The only parallel kinematic machine of Toyoda Machine Works, Ltd. is the HexaM 5-axis milling machine.
The system is basically a 6-PUS parallel manipulator. Linear Motion Guides provide the actuation
while the legs are of constant length. The main advantage of this type of architecture is with respect to its
dynamics. As the actuatorsbeing usually the heavy part of a manipulatorare fixed at the base, the
mobile part of the robot is reduced to the six legs and the mobile platform. Consequently, higher velocities
and accelerations of the mobile platform can be achieved. Another benefit is that the legs are made of only
thin rods, thus, reducing the risk of leg interference. Finally, the resolution of these manipulators is also
increased at the price of a smaller workspace.
The following data is taken from Toyoda's HexaM brochure:
| Axis travels in X, Y, Z: | 400, 400, 350 mm; |
| Range of tilt angle: | ±30°; |
| Max. rates of travel in X, Y, Z: | 1.7 m/s each; |
| Max. accelerations in X, Y, Z: | 9.8 m/s2 each; |
| Max. accuracy: | ±0.004 mm. |

Fig. 1: The HexaM 5-axis milling machine.
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