The information below is taken from Krause & Mauser Group's website.
Related Products
The only parallel kinematic machine of Krause & Mauser Group is the Quickstep 3-axis milling machine.
The system is based on the Delta robot principle. Three Linear Motion Guides whose axes are parallel provide the
actuation while the legs are of constant length and form parallelograms. Thus, the mobile platform retains constant
orientation throughout its range of motion.
It is interesting to note, that this design is a modification of the famous Delta robot design. In fact, the
Quickstep design is exactly the same as the LINAPOD designed and constructed
at ISW, at the University of Stuttgart
2). Furthermore, a very similar type of
architecture has already been patented by Toyoda Machine Works as a simplified version of their HexaM milling
machine (US 5,715,729). Recently, however, the
Quickstep manufacturer had its US patent issued (US 6,161,992).
The following data is taken from Krause & Mauser Group's Quickstep brochure:
| Axis travels in X, Y, Z: | 630, 630, 500 mm; |
| Max. rates of travel in X, Y, Z: | 1.7 m/s each; |
| Max. accelerations in X, Y, Z: | > 2g each; |

Fig. 1: The Quickstep 3-axis machining center.

Fig. 2: The Quickstep's kinematic structure.