Amazingly, patents prove to be an exceptionally useful source of information for both researchers and
industry practitioners. Due to their very nature, patents tend to be an exclusive source, i.e., their
contents are disclosed in no other type of publication. Furthermore, considering the high cost for
filing a patent, one would expect to find only material worth reading.
The patents to which we refer here are only US, European, or WIPO PCT publications and can be examined
due to the extraordinarily useful web site of the Delphion Intellectual
Property Network. In that web site, each patent can be viewed on-line for free in the form of
medium-quality scanned images. If desired, the patent can also be purchased at a relatively low cost.
The patents to which we refer here are arranged into sublists, with each sublist comprising five entries.
Each entry refers to a major patent and has the following fields:
| |
Patent No.: | the number of the patent (e.g. US 5,123,456) with a link to the Delphion web site; |
Title: | the title of the patent; |
Inventor(s): | the inventor(s) of the patent; |
Applicant(s): | the owner(s) of the patent (most commonly a company or an institution); |
Issued/Filed: | the date the patent was issued/filled |
Note: | a brief note written by us, explaining the current patent, often acompanied by
a link to a web page where further information about the described product can be found; |
Similar Pats.: | patents that are either equivalent to the current patent or refer to
different parts of the same invention, but in any case have the same assignee(s) and at least one common
inventor; |
Based on the present list and on our own opinion, we point out the following interesting facts:
Most Active Inventors: Paul Sheldon, Mark Rosheim (11 pats.), Phillip Denne;
Most Active Applicants: Giddings & Lewis with their "Variax" (11 pats.);
Most Successful Inventions: Neos Robotics' "Tricept", the "DELTA" robot, the "Hexa" robot,
Jean-Pierre Merlet's "active wrist";
Enjoy the information and feel free to submit new entries or to
contact us with any questions and comments.