The information below is courtesy of GROB-Werke GMBH & CO. KG.
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The only assembly robot of GROB-Werke GMBH & CO. KG based on the parallel kinematic technology is a Highly Dynamic
Handling System, called TRIAGLIDE 5g. The system is basically a modification of the popular DELTA robot
design. The difference is that actuators are Linear Motion Guides that are coplanar and parallel to each other.
Thus, the TRIAGLIDE 5g is a 3-DOF spatial parallel manipulator for translations only. Due to the small masses
moved, extremely high rates of travels and accelerations can be achieved:
| Axis travels in X, Y, Z: | 2,000, 500, 320 mm; |
| Max. rates of travel in X, Y, Z: | 6 m/s each; |
| Max. accelerations in X, Y, Z: | 50 m/s2 each. |

Fig. 1: Example of application for fast handling tasks (here the handling of bolts at cylinder head assembly).

Fig. 2: Working area of the TRIAGLIDE 5g.